Systematic Review/Scoping Review Tutorials

The Systematic Review/Scoping Review tutorials found on this page can help researchers better understand how to complete an evidence synthesis project. We highly recommend reviewing these videos prior to submitting a search request form.

Identifying and Comparing Systematic and Scoping Reviews

Presenter: Lauren Yaeger

Do you know if your research question is better suited for a systematic review or scoping review? This brief tutorial provides definitions and examples of each to help you choose the best review type for your question.

Introduction to Becker Library’s Systematic and Scoping Review Services

Presenter: Angela Hardi

This video provides in-depth information about the systematic/scoping review services offered by Becker librarians. We encourage all researchers who have not used our service before to review this video prior to submitting the search request form.

How to Read a Systematic Review Search Strategy

Presenter: Emily Gallaher

Systematic review search strategies are typically more complicated than those used for quick literature searches. This tutorial provides information about how to better understand the search strategy created by your project librarian. We encourage all new systematic review researchers to review this brief video.

Introduction to Covidence Screening Software

Presenter: Michelle Doering

Learn about using Covidence screening software for your next evidence synthesis project. This brief tutorial provides basic information about Covidence and tips for setting up your project.