Announcements, Scholarly Publishing

Microbiology Society to waive article processing charges for open access publications

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries are pleased to announce a new Publish and Read agreement for journals published by the Microbiology Society. The agreement allows Washington University corresponding authors a full waiver of Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish their works under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) Open Access license as of January 1,  [Read more]

Announcements, Science and Informatics

NCI Cancer Moonshot Public Access and Data Sharing Policy

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) announced a Policy, Public Access and Data Sharing, for publications and data in 2016 to allow for sharing of data and knowledge about cancer among researchers, clinicians and patients to improve cancer outcomes.

Scholarly Publishing

25% off Elsevier open access processing charges for WashU authors

As we announced last year, Washington University’s contract with Elsevier extends a 25% discount on article processing charges for open access articles in most Elsevier journals. Please check the Washington University in St. Louis Journal Finder List to confirm eligible titles. The discount applies to corresponding authors from Washington University in St. Louis whose manuscripts were  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Increasing Accessibility to Scholarly Materials

The Washington University Open Access Resolution, passed in 2011, encourages faculty to make its scholarship and creative works freely and easily available to the world community. Faculty members are encouraged to seek venues for their works that share this ideal. What can authors do? Practice Open Science principles to promote transparent and accessible knowledge.[i] Publish a journal  [Read more]


WashU authors get 25% off Elsevier open access processing charges

Washington University’s recently renewed contract with Elsevier extends a 25% discount on article processing charges for open access articles in most Elsevier journals. Please check the Washington University in St. Louis Journal Finder List to confirm eligible titles. The discount applies to corresponding authors from Washington University in St. Louis whose manuscripts were submitted to eligible Elsevier  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

The Case for Open Data

Last week, Becker Library premiered a new video, “The Case for Open Data,” during Open Access Week. The video features three researchers discussing the value and benefit of open science, open data and open access on their work. Scientists may be more or less familiar with these “open” concepts depending on their specialty as well  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Open Access Week and Digital Commons@Becker

Oct. 22-28, 2018, is Open Access Week, a global event now entering its tenth year, which is an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of open access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make open access  [Read more]


Becker Celebrates Open Access Week with Digital Commons@Becker Milestones

“Open in Action” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week, which begins October 24. Established by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and partners in the student community in 2008, International Open Access Week highlights the importance of making research and scholarly works more openly available, and how institutions, researchers, librarians, students, and others are making that happen.