Scholarly Publishing

Browse WashUMed’s digital repository from anywhere

Digital Commons@Becker is a great resource for research, especially because it can be accessed remotely! Digital Commons@Becker is the medical school’s repository containing scholarly works such as journal articles, meeting abstracts, posters, newsletters, videos, annual reports and other materials produced by School of Medicine faculty and staff. There are over 14,000 works in Digital Commons@Becker. The  [Read more]


Becker Celebrates Open Access Week with Digital Commons@Becker Milestones

“Open in Action” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week, which begins October 24. Established by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and partners in the student community in 2008, International Open Access Week highlights the importance of making research and scholarly works more openly available, and how institutions, researchers, librarians, students, and others are making that happen.