Mastering Information

Search Tip: If at first you don’t succeed…

The search engine in the library catalog is not very forgiving with spelling errors or typos. If your search yields fewer or different results than you were hoping for, try a different angle. Apostrophes are important! Searching Braunwalds Heart Disease results in only one book found. Searching Braunwald’s Heart Disease results in 62 books found.  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Trends We’re Watching for 2018

Happy New Year! As we settle into 2018 we’ve been reflecting on the big picture – the current landscape and the trends that affect our services and our patrons at Washington University Medical Center. Below are a few of the biggest issues we'll be following over the coming year (and years).

Scholarly Publishing

Highly Cited Researchers 2017

Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) recently released Highly Cited Researchers 2017, a list recognizing leading researchers in the Sciences and Social Sciences from around the world.

Mastering Information

Better Browsing the Print Collection: Using NLM Classification and Virtual Shelves

Sometimes you know exactly what you want, you look up where to find it, and you’re checking out minutes later. But other times it’s helpful to browse the shelves until inspiration strikes. To focus your browsing of Becker Library’s print collection on a specific area of study, use NLM Classification as a guide. It presents  [Read more]


Bake Sale-Book Sale to Benefit Holiday Adopt-A-Family

  Join us for some yummy treats! Cupcakes, cookies and sweets galore. Plus a used book sale! (That is, books of all kinds, not medical texts.) Cash only. Each year, Becker Library adopts a needy family from the neighborhoods surrounding the Medical Center as part of the annual Washington University Medical Center Holiday Outreach Program.  [Read more]


Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts is Dec. 20

  On Wednesday, Dec. 20, Becker Library’s Archives and Rare Books Division will host the Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts from 2 to 5 p.m. in the King Center on the library’s seventh floor. The exhibition is a unique opportunity to see a selection of spectacular medical works dating from the Renaissance to the 20th  [Read more]


New Embase Classes from Becker Library

Embase is a powerful biomedical database available to the Washington University Medical Center community via Becker Medical Library. We are now pleased to offer two Embase training courses:

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