Welcome new residents and fellows! Becker Medical Library is here to assist you with your information needs. Here is some helpful information about library resources:
- Becker Library offers access to PubMed (with link-outs to our journal holdings), Ovid/Medline (fee), Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, PsycInfo, and other top database resources. Here is a complete list of databases: Database List
- Becker also offers access to point-of-care clinical resources including UpToDate, Clinical Key, Access Medicine, Stat!Ref, Clinical Pharmacology, and Natural Medicines.
- You can access all of Becker Library's databases, journals, and eBooks off campus via a remote access account: https://becker.wustl.edu/services/accounts/remote-access. There is a $25/year fee to access a proxy account (contact your department to see if this fee is covered)
- Becker Library offers mobile access to The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics and the Johns Hopkins Antibiotics (ABX) Guide via the UCentral app. You can also access mobile app versions of UpToDate, Clinical Key, and Clinical Pharmacology. You can find instructions for downloading these apps on the Mobile Medicine Libguide.
- Search for print books, eBooks, and journals in the Becker Library Catalog: http://beckercat.wustl.edu/
- Becker Library has several useful subject-specific guides including: Evidence-Based Medicine, Tools for Authors, and LGBTQ Healthcare Resources
- Research Pod computers in the library provide access to SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, EndNote, the Adobe Creative Suite, and other specialized software programs.
- Publishing and Evaluation Support Services can help you choose the best journal for article submission, and can answer questions about copyright issues, research impact, publication/author metrics, and NIH public access policy compliance
- Health Literacy and Communication Services can help you create or revise patient handouts, consent forms, or webpages so that they are more easily understood by your patients.
Becker Librarians are also here to assist you with your information needs. We can find articles for you, provide literature search/database instruction sessions, and help you with complex search strategies for projects like systematic reviews or meta-analyses. If you spend more than 15 minutes trying to find something, contact us!
Special Note: Renovations will begin soon in Becker Medical Library. Our print journal collection is being moved to off-site storage, and some of the study spaces on floors 2-4 will be closed off during construction phases. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.
Becker Medical Library, 660 S. Euclid Avenue
Website: www.becker.wustl.edu
Email: askbecker@wustl.edu
Phone (Information Services Desk): 314-362-7080
St. Louis Children’s Hospital Medical Library, 3rd floor
Contact Lauren Yaeger (Medical Librarian), MA, MLIS: yaegerl@wustl.edu, 314-454-2768